Connaught Drains specialise in Oil Interceptor Cleaning services.
Overflowing oil interceptors can cause significant problems. These include a car park covered in oil. This is potentially very dangerous for both customers and staff. Long term problems for a business could also include closing down car parks to deal with the situation. This leads to lost custom and money. In addition to this, there is the inevitable negative environmental impact.
Oil interceptors collect rain water, oil and other waste products. These accumulate in car parks, lorry depots, schools, airports and parks, etc. The system itself permits only water to escape. Therefore it traps all the other pollutants, like oils, fuels and other solid waste, within the filtering system.
The accumulation of this waste can subsequently cause blockages if interceptor overflows. And all this waste is dispersed back out across the area it was supposed to protect. The risk of forecourt or driveway flooding is dramatically increased by the build-up of oil, debris and other miscellaneous contaminants within an interceptor. Not to mention the prominent risk of hydrocarbons contaminating the sewerage system or watercourse.
Our Solution:
Regular maintenance and service of oil interceptors therefore prevents the overflow and contamination of drainage systems. We recommend a servicing and emptying of interceptors on a 6 monthly basis for standard installations. This is the legal requirement. Regular oil interceptor cleaning will ensure that you avoid unnecessary problems and costs down the line.
Visit our Services section for more information on all our services, or Contact Us for more information on Oil Interceptor Cleaning. In case of an Emergency, call us on 0818 66 33 33. We offer a year-round 24/7 Emergency Call-Out service.